Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Tips for dealing with the embarrassment of suffering from eczema

Those of you who suffer from eczema,  may well suffer from the presence of an unsightly rash. This can be very embarrassing. While there is nothing really to be embarrassed about, as you have a common skin condition, it is difficult not to have that feeling.

If eczema for you is a new condition or perhaps you have suffered for a long time I hope these tips may help you.

1. Understand that you not alone

You will probably feel that you are the only person in the world with eczema, rest assured you are not. You may even know someone with eczema but for them its on a part of the body that they keep covered with clothing. You will not be the only person having to endure the suffering of atopic dermatitis. If you search your local area you may well be able to find support groups either online or to meet up where you can communicate with other sufferers and provide mutual support.

Eczema in babies can also be difficult if its your baby as people tend to look at it. Just try not to worry too much.

2. Don’t hide yourself away

Some eczema sufferers have their outbreaks on parts that are covered up such as the upper thighs. Others however it may be on the elbows, arms, face or hands which all appear bright red and weepy. There is a great temptation to hide away and become a recluse. Try hard not to do that as in the long term it will make dealing with your condition more difficult. If you cut yourself off from the world you are likely also to cause yourself to suffer from depression.

Live your life as normally as you can.

3. Talk about your condition.

Instead of being embarrassed if people look at your eczema condition, perhaps your skin is red or perhaps there are scars from pervious episodes of itching. Eczema on the face is most embarrassing.

Use this as an opportunity to inform others, just say I have eczema, it’s not a contagious disease. You don’t owe anyone an explanation but it often does help. Tell them that you have continuous eczema treatment.

4. Concentrate on getting relief

Just suppose you have this uncontrollable urge to scratch because you are itching so much. In this situation the objective must be to control the itching, not what does so and so think. The last thing you want is to scratch so much you end up with an open wound that can become infected. Don’t forget to do all the things that provide relief including watching your diet and keeping the skin moisturised. Always ensure that you have some eczema cream or ointment if you are out so that you can obtain some immediate relief.

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