Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Effective Exercises to Relieve Knee Pain

The knees, help you bend, walk, run, dance and hence allow you move everywhere you want in any direction. But it becomes painful when your knees are subjected to wear and tear. Knees are the part of body that can easily be injured. Special care should be taken to keep them in good health. When subjected to wear and tear knees become painful, to get a relief from knee pain either you should adapt preventive measures or cures. The best of the care and maintenance of knee joint can be done by regularly done exercises.

You must be aware of exercise which will help you get relief from knee pain. But before getting to exercises muscles involved in relieving from knee pain exercises are mentioned:

  • Quadriceps(front thigh)
  • Hamstrings(back thigh)
  • Abductor(outside thigh)
  • Adductor(inside thigh)

Now several exercises are described for stretching of muscles.

Stretches: Stretches are done so as to relief the pain of knees cause by any factor.

i)      Chair knee extension: Sit on a chair and keep other foot on another chair which helps keep your knee slightly high. Now push your knee towards floor holding your foot for more than 10 seconds. Now keeps it repeating for at least five times.

ii)    Knees flexion: This exercise will be done so as to bend your knee. Make a loop of piece of cloth around your knee while you sitting on a chair. Now pull your leg towards you repeat it gently for over 5 times.

iii)   Heel side knee extension: This exercise is done with you lying on ground; one leg will be stretched and other flat on floor. Slowly and gradually you have to move your leg away from stretched leg till both become parallel. Repeat it 5-10 times.

iv)   Hamstring stretch: This exercise is done with you standing and toes up. You will have to bend yourself in a way that you bend opposite knees and hips, until you feel a stretch, hamstring stretch. The lower body will not move. Repeat it for 5-10 times.

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