Osteoarthritis Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Osteoarthritis is the consequence of a variety of musculoskeletal disorders causing complete functional and structural breakdown of one or more muscle joints of the body. It is a complete malfunction and subsequent loss of the cartilage of one or more of your joints. Cartilage is a protein component in the body that provides a cushion support between the joints and the bones. And when this cushion degenerates due to various other muscle disorders, it causes Osteoarthritis. This medical ailment is also termed as Degenerative Arthritis, and is one of the most common forms of arthritis among 20 million people in America.
Osteoarthritis is a common disease among men at 45, and affects most women after menopause. The disease can affect any part of the body, most commonly the feet, hands, spinal cord, knees and hips. Sometimes, no genuine cause of such ailment is found and is termed as primary Osteoarthritis. The most common ones are termed as secondary.
√ With aging cells, the cartilage of the joints ruptures gradually, and the chondrocytes fail to produce any further cartilage support for the bones and the joints with increasing age. This proceeds towards acute Osteoarthritis in aged people.
√ Metabolic diseases and inflammatory joint disorders like joint infections, gout or rheumatoid can also cause this disease.
√ Various genetic disorders causes breakdown of the cartilages much early leading to Osteoarthritis.
√ Abnormal anatomy and congenital diseases
√ People suffering from Obesity, Diabetes and other endocrine problems are more prone to degenerative arthritis.
√ Hemophilia and several neuropathic diseases are also the core causes behind Osteoarthritis.
• An acute pain at the joints that is defined as a stiff, aching pain that causes almost numbness of the affected area. The situation worsens after long period of no activity.
• A pain that gets relief with rest and aggravates with activity. In the advanced stages, the pain can occur even when you are in rest.
• When the pain increases with humid weather or at night, it is perhaps Osteoarthritis.
• Some patients experience a crackling noise in the joints while in activity. Otherwise, it gives a grating sensation to the joints.
• Some may also experience contractions of the joint tendons or acute muscle spasms while suffering from Osteoarthritis.
• The pain is generally recurring in nature.
Lifestyle changes like weight loss, giving up smoking and alcohol, regular joint exercise, ice and heat therapies and proper pain management techniques can help in providing great relief to the paining joints. Otherwise, certain nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pain-relief ointments and sprays can also work wonders. For more intense pain, the patient may also need to undergo surgical process or stronger corticosteroid injections or narcotic drugs.
Osteoarthritis is an aging ailment. Proper identification and diagnosis can help towards determining the appropriate treatment process. However, it is better to harp on the preventive measures prior to falling prey of such disease.
Osteoarthritis is a common disease among men at 45, and affects most women after menopause. The disease can affect any part of the body, most commonly the feet, hands, spinal cord, knees and hips. Sometimes, no genuine cause of such ailment is found and is termed as primary Osteoarthritis. The most common ones are termed as secondary.
Causes of Osteoarthritis
The exact cause of Osteoarthritis is still not known by the doctors and researchers, but a more common combination of various situations and health conditions can define the cause of this disease more accurately.√ With aging cells, the cartilage of the joints ruptures gradually, and the chondrocytes fail to produce any further cartilage support for the bones and the joints with increasing age. This proceeds towards acute Osteoarthritis in aged people.
√ Metabolic diseases and inflammatory joint disorders like joint infections, gout or rheumatoid can also cause this disease.
√ Various genetic disorders causes breakdown of the cartilages much early leading to Osteoarthritis.
√ Abnormal anatomy and congenital diseases
√ People suffering from Obesity, Diabetes and other endocrine problems are more prone to degenerative arthritis.
√ Hemophilia and several neuropathic diseases are also the core causes behind Osteoarthritis.
Common Symptoms of Osteoarthritis
Degenerative arthritis generally occurs during the late 40’s and continues to enhance in intensity with growing ages. The disease can be easily identified with the following symptoms:• An acute pain at the joints that is defined as a stiff, aching pain that causes almost numbness of the affected area. The situation worsens after long period of no activity.
• A pain that gets relief with rest and aggravates with activity. In the advanced stages, the pain can occur even when you are in rest.
• When the pain increases with humid weather or at night, it is perhaps Osteoarthritis.
• Some patients experience a crackling noise in the joints while in activity. Otherwise, it gives a grating sensation to the joints.
• Some may also experience contractions of the joint tendons or acute muscle spasms while suffering from Osteoarthritis.
• The pain is generally recurring in nature.
Treatment for Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is not life-threatening, but significantly deteriorates the quality of life and working ability of a person. There is no winning cure for this disease, but a combination of medications, lifestyle changes, exercise, and on very rare case, a joint replacement surgery, can provide immense relief from such agonizing pain.Lifestyle changes like weight loss, giving up smoking and alcohol, regular joint exercise, ice and heat therapies and proper pain management techniques can help in providing great relief to the paining joints. Otherwise, certain nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pain-relief ointments and sprays can also work wonders. For more intense pain, the patient may also need to undergo surgical process or stronger corticosteroid injections or narcotic drugs.
Osteoarthritis is an aging ailment. Proper identification and diagnosis can help towards determining the appropriate treatment process. However, it is better to harp on the preventive measures prior to falling prey of such disease.
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