Saturday, 29 July 2017

Risk Factors of Knee Pain

Knee pains need regular medical checkups. Minor knee problems show effective response to self care actions. Some physical therapy, exercises and knee braces proves effective in knee pain relief as well. But some severe knee problems need surgical repairs to stabilize knee joints.

There are some risk factors that raise risk of having knee difficulties. Some are as follows

Gender: as compare to boys teenage girls are more likely to suffer from anterior cruciate ligament tears or disjoint knee cap. On the other hand boys are more common to patellar tendinitis or Osgood schlatter syndromes.

Age: aging also increase risk to joint problems. No doubt some knee problems like Osgood schlatter and patellar tendinitis are common in young ages while gout, osteoarthritis, pseudo gout and many more becomes common with increasing age.

Mechanical problems: some structural anomaly like misaligned knees, flat knee and other factors like unequal length of legs makes you more into knee problems.

Sports: in some sports you put more stress on your knees and require rapid turn and sharp twists like in football, wrestling, hockey, basket ball and many other similar games. In these games you have either to run fast or jump high and all these increase your risks of knee pains and injuries.

Excess weight:  obesity or being overweight is a great factor in causing knee pains because it increase stress on joints and causes difficulty even in routine activities. It increases the risk of joint cartilage breakdown and accelerates osteoarthritis.

Lack of muscle strength and flexibility: proper muscle flexibility and strength is very necessary for knee joints to support body weight. Lack or absence becomes the main cause of knee injuries because weak or tight muscles will not be able to hold the stress or weight exerted on joints and can make you prone to serious knee problems.

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