Monday, 17 July 2017

How to improve the eye vision

Healthy life style with healthy nutrition and active physical exercise goes a long way.

Our visual perception of light is very much dependent on the healthy visual system of the human body, mind and the brain. The many systems of the human body work together as a unit, so that they all succeed do their tasks and work as many sub-systems for the one living human body.

How to improve the eye vision should start with looking at the body as one unit.

The health of the cardiovascular system affect the health of the eyes.  The health of the respiratory system affects the health of the eyes.  The health of the nervous system affects the health of the eyes, on an on it goes, the health of the digestive system affects the health of the eyes, so it is obvious that the overall health is vitally important for all of the 11 systems of the body.

Regular physical exercise, active outdoors activities with healthy balanced food diet is a good start to How to improve the eye vision.

All of the above advice will improve the general moods and feelings, physical outdoors activity can easily balance feelings and set a happy mood from engaging in the natural outdoors environment.  Being physically engaging is a natural part of being human, also the same applies for most animals, if you observe the healthy birds of the air and the healthy animals on the land, they have one thing in common, they are physically active, some more so at night than day time.

To lose a physically active life style, which should be minimum 30-60 minutes of active walking, cycling, jogging, running, skating, skiing, sailing, boating, rowing, canoeing, gardening, raking, moving, pruning, etc.  The human body with the eleven systems rely that the body engages in physical activity, that is just the way it is.  There is a struggle going on it is the struggle with the forces of gravity, that is a large part what shapes humans and animals into their muscle structure and the physical ability that we have, it is with aging  that the duration of activities get shorter for some, but not for everybody.

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