Monday 31 July 2017

Heart Disease Prevention

Heart disease prevention Means Making Changes To Lifestyle, Diet And Will Prolong Life

There is a certain connection that exists between heart diseases and diabetes. It is a fact that if you happen to have diabetes you would more than likely suffer from a heart attack as well, and the chances are supposed to be twice or even four times as high if you are diabetic than otherwise. In fact, the numbers that die due to heart diseases also show that diabetes is a major cause of such deaths.

Corrective Action

Thus, heart disease prevention also includes having to take corrective action with regard to a diabetic problem. There is reason to be optimistic as well because according to experts, heart disease prevention is possible, and even though certain risk factors including sex, genetics and also age of a person are not within our control, one can still make a change in lifestyle and also change diet so that the chances of heart disease are greatly minimized.

There is also other means by which heart disease prevention can be practiced, and according to what the American Heart Association suggests, one must control obesity even in children and also make a concerted effort to take proper diet that contains adequate nutrition including consuming fruits, vegetables and whole grains that will help prevent heart diseases.

Also, the best heart disease prevention may not be a single course of action; rather, one may choose to have many approaches combined into one that will prove to be more effective, and you can choose approaches such as changes in diet, along with shedding excess weight and also keeping blood sugar levels at about low normal as well as taking dietary supplements that are recommended by health experts.

Good heart disease prevention may also mean keeping the blood pressure under control and also having LDL cholesterol at low levels, and the best way to achieve these goals is by making proper changes to diet and even by taking prescription medications if so recommended by the doctor. Obviously, having low blood sugar levels will count as heart disease prevention and so too is the consumption of dietary supplements; especially, if they contain antioxidants and also vitamin B as well as folic acid.

One of the better dietary supplements you may want to consider for heart disease prevention is mangosteen puree that is rich in antioxidants which help in destroying free radicals that are the cause behind damage to cells and which in turn will result in arteriosclerotic heart disease. Mangosteen is not the same as your usual mango and is rich in vitamin B and also folic acid that helps keep homocysteine low, which if they rise will lead to arteriosclerotic disease.

Thus, with the help of a few changes to diet, lifestyle and also keeping blood pressure, LDL cholesterol low one can get the most out of heart disease prevention measures and ensure a longer life.

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