Almost everyone has to face the problem of knee pain when you get over 45 years of your age. It is normal to have knee pain at this age, caused by wear and tear of bones and tissues of human body.
This process brings a lot of knee pain with it. However, this pain can be avoided by employing certain tips and techniques in your daily routine. Exercises if done with proper care and keeping all precautionary measures in account you can easily avoid the knee pain and a relief to your knee pain. However, if your knees are subjected to acute and chronic pain caused by any disease such as arthritis then you are not at all recommended to go for any kind of exercises. It will bring more pain to you rather relief to your knee pain.
Tips for avoiding the knee pain:
Following tips are used so as to relief yourself from knee pain:
Weight loss: It’s really important for you to maintain your weight and keep it in harmony with your body height. Over weightiness can increase the knee relief you knee pain and to avoid being its victim you should maintain your body weight.
Wearing well fitted shoe: Wearing well fitted shoe will help you walk in a better way by keeping an alignment and balance in your feet and gait.
Doing low-impact exercises: Low impact exercises are exercises done by you in accordance with strong work but low exertion on your knees.
Swimming and jogging: These both are the best measures adapted to avoid the knee pain. It is highly recommended to go for jogging and swimming which will keep your knees in good working condition.
Slow increase in exercise intensity: There should a gradual increase in exercise load. The over intensified exercise done by you can affect your knees by extra work load.
Keep working: Any decrease in your activity will weakens you muscular abilities and you chances to get prone to injuries will be increased. So, keep working so as to keep your knees in form.
Monday, 31 July 2017
Heart Disease Prevention
Heart disease prevention Means Making Changes To Lifestyle, Diet And Will Prolong Life
There is a certain connection that exists between heart diseases and diabetes. It is a fact that if you happen to have diabetes you would more than likely suffer from a heart attack as well, and the chances are supposed to be twice or even four times as high if you are diabetic than otherwise. In fact, the numbers that die due to heart diseases also show that diabetes is a major cause of such deaths.
Corrective Action
Thus, heart disease prevention also includes having to take corrective action with regard to a diabetic problem. There is reason to be optimistic as well because according to experts, heart disease prevention is possible, and even though certain risk factors including sex, genetics and also age of a person are not within our control, one can still make a change in lifestyle and also change diet so that the chances of heart disease are greatly minimized.
There is also other means by which heart disease prevention can be practiced, and according to what the American Heart Association suggests, one must control obesity even in children and also make a concerted effort to take proper diet that contains adequate nutrition including consuming fruits, vegetables and whole grains that will help prevent heart diseases.
Also, the best heart disease prevention may not be a single course of action; rather, one may choose to have many approaches combined into one that will prove to be more effective, and you can choose approaches such as changes in diet, along with shedding excess weight and also keeping blood sugar levels at about low normal as well as taking dietary supplements that are recommended by health experts.
Good heart disease prevention may also mean keeping the blood pressure under control and also having LDL cholesterol at low levels, and the best way to achieve these goals is by making proper changes to diet and even by taking prescription medications if so recommended by the doctor. Obviously, having low blood sugar levels will count as heart disease prevention and so too is the consumption of dietary supplements; especially, if they contain antioxidants and also vitamin B as well as folic acid.
One of the better dietary supplements you may want to consider for heart disease prevention is mangosteen puree that is rich in antioxidants which help in destroying free radicals that are the cause behind damage to cells and which in turn will result in arteriosclerotic heart disease. Mangosteen is not the same as your usual mango and is rich in vitamin B and also folic acid that helps keep homocysteine low, which if they rise will lead to arteriosclerotic disease.
Thus, with the help of a few changes to diet, lifestyle and also keeping blood pressure, LDL cholesterol low one can get the most out of heart disease prevention measures and ensure a longer life.
There is a certain connection that exists between heart diseases and diabetes. It is a fact that if you happen to have diabetes you would more than likely suffer from a heart attack as well, and the chances are supposed to be twice or even four times as high if you are diabetic than otherwise. In fact, the numbers that die due to heart diseases also show that diabetes is a major cause of such deaths.
Corrective Action
Thus, heart disease prevention also includes having to take corrective action with regard to a diabetic problem. There is reason to be optimistic as well because according to experts, heart disease prevention is possible, and even though certain risk factors including sex, genetics and also age of a person are not within our control, one can still make a change in lifestyle and also change diet so that the chances of heart disease are greatly minimized.
There is also other means by which heart disease prevention can be practiced, and according to what the American Heart Association suggests, one must control obesity even in children and also make a concerted effort to take proper diet that contains adequate nutrition including consuming fruits, vegetables and whole grains that will help prevent heart diseases.
Also, the best heart disease prevention may not be a single course of action; rather, one may choose to have many approaches combined into one that will prove to be more effective, and you can choose approaches such as changes in diet, along with shedding excess weight and also keeping blood sugar levels at about low normal as well as taking dietary supplements that are recommended by health experts.
Good heart disease prevention may also mean keeping the blood pressure under control and also having LDL cholesterol at low levels, and the best way to achieve these goals is by making proper changes to diet and even by taking prescription medications if so recommended by the doctor. Obviously, having low blood sugar levels will count as heart disease prevention and so too is the consumption of dietary supplements; especially, if they contain antioxidants and also vitamin B as well as folic acid.
One of the better dietary supplements you may want to consider for heart disease prevention is mangosteen puree that is rich in antioxidants which help in destroying free radicals that are the cause behind damage to cells and which in turn will result in arteriosclerotic heart disease. Mangosteen is not the same as your usual mango and is rich in vitamin B and also folic acid that helps keep homocysteine low, which if they rise will lead to arteriosclerotic disease.
Thus, with the help of a few changes to diet, lifestyle and also keeping blood pressure, LDL cholesterol low one can get the most out of heart disease prevention measures and ensure a longer life.
Saturday, 29 July 2017
Risk Factors of Knee Pain
Knee pains need regular medical checkups. Minor knee problems show effective response to self care actions. Some physical therapy, exercises and knee braces proves effective in knee pain relief as well. But some severe knee problems need surgical repairs to stabilize knee joints.
There are some risk factors that raise risk of having knee difficulties. Some are as follows
Gender: as compare to boys teenage girls are more likely to suffer from anterior cruciate ligament tears or disjoint knee cap. On the other hand boys are more common to patellar tendinitis or Osgood schlatter syndromes.
Age: aging also increase risk to joint problems. No doubt some knee problems like Osgood schlatter and patellar tendinitis are common in young ages while gout, osteoarthritis, pseudo gout and many more becomes common with increasing age.
Mechanical problems: some structural anomaly like misaligned knees, flat knee and other factors like unequal length of legs makes you more into knee problems.
Sports: in some sports you put more stress on your knees and require rapid turn and sharp twists like in football, wrestling, hockey, basket ball and many other similar games. In these games you have either to run fast or jump high and all these increase your risks of knee pains and injuries.
Excess weight: obesity or being overweight is a great factor in causing knee pains because it increase stress on joints and causes difficulty even in routine activities. It increases the risk of joint cartilage breakdown and accelerates osteoarthritis.
Lack of muscle strength and flexibility: proper muscle flexibility and strength is very necessary for knee joints to support body weight. Lack or absence becomes the main cause of knee injuries because weak or tight muscles will not be able to hold the stress or weight exerted on joints and can make you prone to serious knee problems.
There are some risk factors that raise risk of having knee difficulties. Some are as follows
Gender: as compare to boys teenage girls are more likely to suffer from anterior cruciate ligament tears or disjoint knee cap. On the other hand boys are more common to patellar tendinitis or Osgood schlatter syndromes.
Age: aging also increase risk to joint problems. No doubt some knee problems like Osgood schlatter and patellar tendinitis are common in young ages while gout, osteoarthritis, pseudo gout and many more becomes common with increasing age.
Mechanical problems: some structural anomaly like misaligned knees, flat knee and other factors like unequal length of legs makes you more into knee problems.
Sports: in some sports you put more stress on your knees and require rapid turn and sharp twists like in football, wrestling, hockey, basket ball and many other similar games. In these games you have either to run fast or jump high and all these increase your risks of knee pains and injuries.
Excess weight: obesity or being overweight is a great factor in causing knee pains because it increase stress on joints and causes difficulty even in routine activities. It increases the risk of joint cartilage breakdown and accelerates osteoarthritis.
Lack of muscle strength and flexibility: proper muscle flexibility and strength is very necessary for knee joints to support body weight. Lack or absence becomes the main cause of knee injuries because weak or tight muscles will not be able to hold the stress or weight exerted on joints and can make you prone to serious knee problems.
How to Relieve Back Pain
Back pain is responsible for most of the disabilities worldwide. Moreover, a large number of absentees from workplaces are also due to this incapacitating disorder. ‘How to relive back pain?’ has become the most common concern of most of the societies across the world.
‘Prevention is better than cure’, this should be the slogan for relieving back pain. Back pain can be prevented by taking proper care of the back from the very outset. Most of the back pains are postural, occurring due to the use of poorly designed and, unsupportive chairs. So, use of such chairs must be avoided. Moreover, unusual push or pull on the back should be avoided during physical activities.
There are certain stretching exercises of the back which strengthen the back muscles and relieve back pain. Swimming has proved to be the best exercise for the prevention of back pain.
A healthy and balanced diet is very important for a healthy back. Necessary components of the diet like water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals should be in adequate amount in the diet, as they will make the back strong and healthy. If enough amounts of these dietary components cannot be taken in daily diet, then supplements must be used. A multiple of dietary supplements containing Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and calcium are available in the market. Glucosamine and chondroitin are two important components to be supplemented as they help in the formation of the cartilage.
If all these measures fail and you manage to have a back pain, you should consult a doctor. Most of the back pains are of mechanical nature and are well addressed by oral or topical analgesics, and muscle relaxants. Physiotherapy is another very promising treatment modality to relieve back pain.
How to Relieve Knee Pain
Knee pain is a fast spreading and commonly found disease in people having age group greater than 45 years. An appropriate diagnosis is required so as to get proper medication to relief knee pain. A proper treatment will be projected only by a thorough diagnosis of the cause of knee pain. There might be several causes of knee pain as, ligament injuries, arthritis, cartilage/meniscal injuries, chondromalacia patella, patellar tendonitis, baker’s cyst and bursitis etc.
Several treatments are provided with people who are having problem so as to relief the knee pain. These treatments help patient by providing a quick and effective relief from knee pain. According to new researches it has been suggested that relief from knee pain can be easily provided by some physical therapies. These therapies are as effective as surgeries are assumed to be helpful in reliving knee pain. It’s helpful and good for you to know and learn about those muscles which on strengthening can provide support to your knees. A proper bed rest also enables you to prolong the length of your key muscle work properly. Relief from knee pain by using heat and ice application is also considered useful. By strengthening the tendons and muscles surrounding the joint can also help reliving the knee pain. It can be done by having a well set routine with proper exercise.
Physical therapies are provided to the patients of knee pain so as to ease their knees. They help to increase the efficiency, mobility and regaining the strength of the patients as they were before. Medication is also helpful to ease the knees. Certain medications with non-steroid tablets are given to patients with arthritis, tendonitis and other acute knee pains. Weight loss also helps to relief the knee pain if it is caused due to obesity of the patients. Stay healthy and ease your knees!
Several treatments are provided with people who are having problem so as to relief the knee pain. These treatments help patient by providing a quick and effective relief from knee pain. According to new researches it has been suggested that relief from knee pain can be easily provided by some physical therapies. These therapies are as effective as surgeries are assumed to be helpful in reliving knee pain. It’s helpful and good for you to know and learn about those muscles which on strengthening can provide support to your knees. A proper bed rest also enables you to prolong the length of your key muscle work properly. Relief from knee pain by using heat and ice application is also considered useful. By strengthening the tendons and muscles surrounding the joint can also help reliving the knee pain. It can be done by having a well set routine with proper exercise.
Physical therapies are provided to the patients of knee pain so as to ease their knees. They help to increase the efficiency, mobility and regaining the strength of the patients as they were before. Medication is also helpful to ease the knees. Certain medications with non-steroid tablets are given to patients with arthritis, tendonitis and other acute knee pains. Weight loss also helps to relief the knee pain if it is caused due to obesity of the patients. Stay healthy and ease your knees!
Thursday, 27 July 2017
Knee Pain When Bending
Knee is the most important part of a leg. For it is connecting from thigh going to the feet. Knee has patella called kneecap. It is the covering bone in the knee. When it is get pain the body cannot move for the feet is use to make the body stand.
What is knee pain when bending?
If you are keen observer, you can easily observe that the when an old woman sits they cannot stand back easily. Most cannot stand straight. If you wanted to ask why it happened, they said because they are old. Actually, when we are not young nor old pain will not excess unless it is infected acids from our blood it will remain good.
Knee Pain when Bending is the disease in the knee of individual, that whatever age you have it will still make painful feelings of a person affected it. The person affected to this will just sit for the pain is intolerable. The doctors can examine their disease through X-Ray and determine the sprains of the bone. They are usually giving treatment through pain reliever but later it cannot resist the severe pain. The treatment that will advise the doctor to them is surgical. What things they wanted to do will not be post through of a very painful knee.
The following are the symptoms of knee pain when bending
Most men and women are now doing heavy things the leg is the only support in our body. That is why today many got sick of this disease. The symptoms that you can feel when pain start in your knee. Numbness it is when there is a slight pain. Swollen knee is another symptom. It gets pain when touch the pain does not stop easily. When the temperature is cold, the pain started. In addition, when you sit down, it is hard to stand. These are all the symptoms if you have this disease.
When there is knee pain when bending it needs Exercise
According to bone physician, Orthopedics the bone needs to be exercise in order to make it healthy. Do not force the bone to move carrying a heavy object for it will damage the cartilage that is at the end of the bone.
Exercise for knee pain when bending is just sit down and up. Do it slowly. Make it 9 times three, equals 27. next the move your leg counter clockwise, same counting. Thirdly, hang your left leg then turn around followed by the right leg. Do this in 27 times. When you feel good start to scrub the floor left then right. If you feel tired take rest, do the exercise every morning. This is only good if the sprains are at early stage of osteoporosis.
When symptoms start, do the exercise to heal the problem. However, when it is due to age, you consult the doctors. For the knee, pain when bending might lead to a severe pain that needed the doctors diagnose.
What is knee pain when bending?
If you are keen observer, you can easily observe that the when an old woman sits they cannot stand back easily. Most cannot stand straight. If you wanted to ask why it happened, they said because they are old. Actually, when we are not young nor old pain will not excess unless it is infected acids from our blood it will remain good.
Knee Pain when Bending is the disease in the knee of individual, that whatever age you have it will still make painful feelings of a person affected it. The person affected to this will just sit for the pain is intolerable. The doctors can examine their disease through X-Ray and determine the sprains of the bone. They are usually giving treatment through pain reliever but later it cannot resist the severe pain. The treatment that will advise the doctor to them is surgical. What things they wanted to do will not be post through of a very painful knee.
The following are the symptoms of knee pain when bending
Most men and women are now doing heavy things the leg is the only support in our body. That is why today many got sick of this disease. The symptoms that you can feel when pain start in your knee. Numbness it is when there is a slight pain. Swollen knee is another symptom. It gets pain when touch the pain does not stop easily. When the temperature is cold, the pain started. In addition, when you sit down, it is hard to stand. These are all the symptoms if you have this disease.
When there is knee pain when bending it needs Exercise
According to bone physician, Orthopedics the bone needs to be exercise in order to make it healthy. Do not force the bone to move carrying a heavy object for it will damage the cartilage that is at the end of the bone.
Exercise for knee pain when bending is just sit down and up. Do it slowly. Make it 9 times three, equals 27. next the move your leg counter clockwise, same counting. Thirdly, hang your left leg then turn around followed by the right leg. Do this in 27 times. When you feel good start to scrub the floor left then right. If you feel tired take rest, do the exercise every morning. This is only good if the sprains are at early stage of osteoporosis.
When symptoms start, do the exercise to heal the problem. However, when it is due to age, you consult the doctors. For the knee, pain when bending might lead to a severe pain that needed the doctors diagnose.
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Heart disease in women
Heart disease in women Is A Leading Cause For Most Fatalities In Women
The facts relating to heart disease in women are indeed quite frightening, and not at all reassuring for women who, it is believed are eight million strong as far as living with heart disease is concerned. The fact is that today heart disease in women is the leading cause for their deaths, which leads to the conclusion that for women to live longer, they need to prevent the onset and development of heart diseases by using whatever means are available.
Recognition Of The Problem Often Occurs Too Late
No doubt that doctors today, thanks to better and improved technologies, is able to diagnose as well as treat heart disease in women much better than in the past. However, most often women that realize that they have such a condition may already is in an advanced stage of the heart disease condition, and thus little can be done to help them. Often, the matter only comes to light after the woman has been struck down by a stroke or has had a heart attack. One of the contributing factors to heart disease in women is the fact that she may have been engaged in risk factors such as cigarette smoking, elevated cholesterol as well as blood pressure, and also being relatively inactive and suffering from diabetes, or even being obese.
A woman that denies these risk factors will have a better chance of survival as well as not being struck down by the many potential heart diseases. It may mean making the necessary changes to their lifestyles and heart disease in women does not necessarily have to become inevitable, if proper care is exercised.
Heart disease in women can also come about due to the woman?€?s age, effect of menopause, and heredity and a few other factors. Thus, women need to become more knowledgeable about the risk factors that cause heart diseases, and use this knowledge in combating and avoiding falling into the habits that promote heart diseases in them.
Using her understanding of the facts that leads to heart disease in women, and also taking preventive measures will greatly reduce the high rate of mortality suffered by women as a consequence of heart diseases, and if she uses the right techniques, such a problem can be greatly reduced in women.
She can, for instance, take vitamins as well as certain over-the-counter medications that help prevent heart disease in women including Sytrinol, Potassium and also M.S.M. A product such as Sytrinol has been found effective in keeping the cholesterol levels at low normal, and this is achieved by reduction in triglycerides as well as low low-density lipoprotein levels. And, using M.S.M., women can develop protein in their bodies and keep the connective tissues strong. For more information regarding heart disease in women and the possible treatment and preventive methods, women should consult their doctors or professional healthcare professionals that can recommend proper means that will help them prolong their lives.
The facts relating to heart disease in women are indeed quite frightening, and not at all reassuring for women who, it is believed are eight million strong as far as living with heart disease is concerned. The fact is that today heart disease in women is the leading cause for their deaths, which leads to the conclusion that for women to live longer, they need to prevent the onset and development of heart diseases by using whatever means are available.
Recognition Of The Problem Often Occurs Too Late
No doubt that doctors today, thanks to better and improved technologies, is able to diagnose as well as treat heart disease in women much better than in the past. However, most often women that realize that they have such a condition may already is in an advanced stage of the heart disease condition, and thus little can be done to help them. Often, the matter only comes to light after the woman has been struck down by a stroke or has had a heart attack. One of the contributing factors to heart disease in women is the fact that she may have been engaged in risk factors such as cigarette smoking, elevated cholesterol as well as blood pressure, and also being relatively inactive and suffering from diabetes, or even being obese.
A woman that denies these risk factors will have a better chance of survival as well as not being struck down by the many potential heart diseases. It may mean making the necessary changes to their lifestyles and heart disease in women does not necessarily have to become inevitable, if proper care is exercised.
Heart disease in women can also come about due to the woman?€?s age, effect of menopause, and heredity and a few other factors. Thus, women need to become more knowledgeable about the risk factors that cause heart diseases, and use this knowledge in combating and avoiding falling into the habits that promote heart diseases in them.
Using her understanding of the facts that leads to heart disease in women, and also taking preventive measures will greatly reduce the high rate of mortality suffered by women as a consequence of heart diseases, and if she uses the right techniques, such a problem can be greatly reduced in women.
She can, for instance, take vitamins as well as certain over-the-counter medications that help prevent heart disease in women including Sytrinol, Potassium and also M.S.M. A product such as Sytrinol has been found effective in keeping the cholesterol levels at low normal, and this is achieved by reduction in triglycerides as well as low low-density lipoprotein levels. And, using M.S.M., women can develop protein in their bodies and keep the connective tissues strong. For more information regarding heart disease in women and the possible treatment and preventive methods, women should consult their doctors or professional healthcare professionals that can recommend proper means that will help them prolong their lives.
Understanding Heart Disease and Stroke
Heart disease and stroke are both incredibly serious ailments, and are both alarmingly common afflictions worldwide. Although there is no surefire way to protect yourself against heart disease and stroke, there are certain things that you can do to try to prevent it, which will be discussed here.
Risk Factors for Heart Disease and Stroke
Increasing age is one of the biggest risk factors, and this is obviously impossible to avoid, as we all get older whether we like it or not. People, especially women, as they get older, their risk of heart disease and stroke begins to rise and continues to rise with age. Gender also plays a role as a major risk factor, as men have a much greater risk of heart attack than women do.
Family history also plays a role here, as both men and women are more likely to develop heart disease and stroke if it runs in their family. Race is also a factor because black women are at much greater risk than white women, and compared with whites, African-American women and men are both much more likely to die of stroke than Caucasian women and men.
Modifiable Risk Factors
Although some risk factors, such as family history and age cannot be modified or reversed, there are certain risk factors that can be. Cigarette smoking, for instance, is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, however smoking is preventable. If you do not smoke, then you should certainly not start, and if you do, you should find treatment and quit as soon as you possibly can.
High blood cholesterol is another of the most major risk factors for heart disease and for stroke that can be treated or controlled, and the best way to do this is to ensure that you are living a healthy lifestyle, including eating a nutritious diet and getting plenty of regular exercise.
High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attack and is actually the most important risk factor for stroke. The best way to lower your blood pressure is to reduce or even completely eliminate sodium from your diet, and as well you want to stop drinking alcohol, if this applies to you, because in most people alcohol causes blood pressure to rise quite a lot.
By taking all of the previously mentioned facts into consideration and following through with them, you will be able to greatly protect yourself against both heart disease and stroke, as well as various other heart and health conditions.
Monday, 24 July 2017
Learning About Cholesterol and Heart Disease
High cholesterol can be incredibly dangerous, and in particular it can cause atherosclerosis, or a hardening of the arteries, which in turn can lead to blocked coronary arteries, manifested by chest pain, or a heart attack. Other serious problems such as blocked arteries to the brain, for instance, can result in a stroke, while blocked arteries in the legs can cause pain, limping and even disability.
The connection between cholesterol and heart disease is especially significant, and in order to be able to understand this connection better, there are a few other things that need to be understood first.
What Cholesterol is
Cholesterol is a fatty and wax-like substance that is naturally present in the human body, and your body uses this cholesterol in order to produce many different hormones, such as Vitamin D and the bile acids that help to digest fat. Although a certain amount of cholesterol is natural, if you have too much in your bloodstream then the excess may be deposited in the arteries of the heart, which in turn can lead to heart disease.
How to Prevent a Cholesterol and Heart Disease Problem
There are a few different things that you can do in order to prevent a cholesterol and heart disease problem. The best thing that you can do in order to prevent yourself from having a cholesterol and heart disease problem is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. This means making sure that you eat a healthy and nutritious diet, and that you include a proper amount of physical activity in your life on a regular basis.
As well to avoid cholesterol and heart disease problems, you need to rid any unhealthy habits from your life, such as smoking or excessive drinking, for instance. There are also various medications that you can take in order to lower your cholesterol, with the main goal of a treatment program being to lower your LDL cholesterol level.
If following a healthy diet, exercising, and losing weight does not work to lower your cholesterol, then this is when medication would best be used. However even if your doctor does prescribe a medication, you still have to follow your healthy diet, be more physically active, stop cigarette smoking if you smoke and as well control your other various risk factors, such as high blood pressure and diabetes for instance.
There are some risk factors which you are simply unable to control, such as your age and your family history, but by doing everything that you can, you will greatly reduce your risk of having high cholesterol and thus your risk of getting heart disease.
There are also a variety of other causes of heart disease, including: atherosclerosis, dermatologists, diabetes, Friedrichs ataxia, hemochromatosis, high cholesterol, hypertension, Kawasaki disease, menopause, Pagets disease of bone, physical inactivity, smoking, type 1 and 2 diabetes, and being underweight or overweight. There is also other means by which heart disease prevention can be practiced, and according to what the American Heart Association suggests, one must control obesity even in children and also make a concerted effort to take proper diet that contains adequate nutrition including consuming fruits, vegetables and whole grains that will help prevent heart diseases. For the most part how child heart disease works is that their heart can have a small abnormality that may or may not be noticeable at birth, and generally if there is a hole in the heart wall that lets blood travel from one side to the other then the baby will have blue lips or fingers.
Monday, 17 July 2017
Optometrist describing eye health:Vision and computers. Dr. Adatia from Calgary is a member of OSI, Canada’s Largest Network of Optometrists. Helpful tips on how to prevent the pains from poor ergonomics with prolonged computer use.
Eye health vision and computers by Dr. Adatia. The work positioning at the office computer desk is really important, the position of the chair, the computer monitor, the keyboard and paper work all has to be in position that does not cause unnecessary stress on the computer user.
How to set up a work station for Eye health and ergonomics.
The monitor should be situated about arm length, and the center of the monitor about 30 cm below the horizontal eye level. Back straight no slouching allowed ( it only gets worse gradually), foot rest can be used for extra support for the legs and the lower back. With the laptop computers it is very difficult to have at arms length, and to be able to type on the keyboard, that’s where the remote extra keyboard is useful. It can be plugged in using the USB port, and then you can have the monitor at arms length and able to type on the keyboard at much closer position. This is what the ergonomics is suggesting. Office computer that have the monitor and the keyboard as separate units is much more adaptable for user friendly and better ergonomics.
As part of Eye health and ergonomics there should be regular refocus off monitor screen.
Regular stops every 20 minutes at least, to briefly focus on an object at further distance, this exercises the eye lens muscles.
Eye exercises as part of Eye health and ergonomics.
Also holding the palms of the hands over the eyes (in complete darkness, open the eyes) for 30 secs can help to relax the eyes. The other exercises that can be done is rotating the eyes in a figure 8 fashion, e.g. on a wall that is about 10 feet away, from the far right top corner to the far left corner, then across down to the bottom right hand corner and accross to the left bottom side corner, then repeat by going to the far top right hand corner and continue in a smooth figure 8 figure. This exercises the eye movement, do this exercise a few times then reverse the direction of the rotation. Only need to do maybe 6 each times way, and over time the eye muscles will become more flexible and the number of exercise can be increased gradually.
Always see a optometrist at least once a year, or when a change in the eye vision is noticed.
How to improve the eye vision
Healthy life style with healthy nutrition and active physical exercise goes a long way.
Our visual perception of light is very much dependent on the healthy visual system of the human body, mind and the brain. The many systems of the human body work together as a unit, so that they all succeed do their tasks and work as many sub-systems for the one living human body.
How to improve the eye vision should start with looking at the body as one unit.
The health of the cardiovascular system affect the health of the eyes. The health of the respiratory system affects the health of the eyes. The health of the nervous system affects the health of the eyes, on an on it goes, the health of the digestive system affects the health of the eyes, so it is obvious that the overall health is vitally important for all of the 11 systems of the body.
Regular physical exercise, active outdoors activities with healthy balanced food diet is a good start to How to improve the eye vision.
All of the above advice will improve the general moods and feelings, physical outdoors activity can easily balance feelings and set a happy mood from engaging in the natural outdoors environment. Being physically engaging is a natural part of being human, also the same applies for most animals, if you observe the healthy birds of the air and the healthy animals on the land, they have one thing in common, they are physically active, some more so at night than day time.
To lose a physically active life style, which should be minimum 30-60 minutes of active walking, cycling, jogging, running, skating, skiing, sailing, boating, rowing, canoeing, gardening, raking, moving, pruning, etc. The human body with the eleven systems rely that the body engages in physical activity, that is just the way it is. There is a struggle going on it is the struggle with the forces of gravity, that is a large part what shapes humans and animals into their muscle structure and the physical ability that we have, it is with aging that the duration of activities get shorter for some, but not for everybody.
Our visual perception of light is very much dependent on the healthy visual system of the human body, mind and the brain. The many systems of the human body work together as a unit, so that they all succeed do their tasks and work as many sub-systems for the one living human body.
How to improve the eye vision should start with looking at the body as one unit.
The health of the cardiovascular system affect the health of the eyes. The health of the respiratory system affects the health of the eyes. The health of the nervous system affects the health of the eyes, on an on it goes, the health of the digestive system affects the health of the eyes, so it is obvious that the overall health is vitally important for all of the 11 systems of the body.
Regular physical exercise, active outdoors activities with healthy balanced food diet is a good start to How to improve the eye vision.
All of the above advice will improve the general moods and feelings, physical outdoors activity can easily balance feelings and set a happy mood from engaging in the natural outdoors environment. Being physically engaging is a natural part of being human, also the same applies for most animals, if you observe the healthy birds of the air and the healthy animals on the land, they have one thing in common, they are physically active, some more so at night than day time.
To lose a physically active life style, which should be minimum 30-60 minutes of active walking, cycling, jogging, running, skating, skiing, sailing, boating, rowing, canoeing, gardening, raking, moving, pruning, etc. The human body with the eleven systems rely that the body engages in physical activity, that is just the way it is. There is a struggle going on it is the struggle with the forces of gravity, that is a large part what shapes humans and animals into their muscle structure and the physical ability that we have, it is with aging that the duration of activities get shorter for some, but not for everybody.
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