Monday, 12 June 2017

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a common phenomenon. It is so common to the extent that up to 80% of the world population is affected by it. It had also been found to have very negative effects on our lives as individuals. Several individuals in the United States keep off from work because of back pain. It is even the most common cause for such work related absence. It had also been discovered that lower back pain is usually gotten in working places; especially when the individual affected has to lift one form of heavy load or the other. It had also been discovered that it mostly affects those in the working class. It can also advance into old age if it is not treated on time.

Different types

Lower back pain has different types. They can be classified into acute lower back pain, sub-acute lower back pain and chronic lower back pain. The basis for the classification is the duration of the back pain. In the case of acute lower back pain, it does not last more than a matter of weeks. It may also occur for a couple of days. Sub acute lasts between the periods of one to three months. In the case of chronic lower back pain, the pain can be felt for a very long period of time. At times the individual suffering from it can feel the pain for more than three months. One thing about acute lower back pain is that it disappears after it had been treated. But in the case of chronic lower back pain, it trends top remain even after the cause had been removed.

Possible Causes

If you suffer strain or sprain to your lower back, you are sure to end up with lower back pain. It occurs at the lumber region of the back and any strain to that area will lead to lower back pain. When you lift excessive load, you stand a good chance of experiencing the pain. When you perform excessive exercises, you may also suffer from it. Strain can be treated easily. But sprain on the other hand may not be easily treated. Strain usually leads to acute lower back pain while sprain is the cause of chronic lower back pain.

Aging is another cause of this kind of pain on the lower back region. When someone grows old, the intervertebral disc that lies between the vertebrae tends to shrink in size. This will ultimately lead to pain.

Methods of treatment

Before treatment of the pain is carried out, imaging should be done on the affected part. The imaging helps in revealing the part that is affected by the pain. It also helps to determine the possible cause. The pain may not be easily treated if the cause is not known.


I am sure that the information above had gotten you well informed about lower back pain, its causes and its treatment. In order to prevent it, you should take some time to perform physical exercise. You should also avoid overdoing the exercise so that it will not lead to further complications.

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